The different subjects in the curriculum are delivered or taught in either English or Filipino. this is to make the students proficient in both languages.
Religion otherwise known as Christian Living is the core curriculum. It aims to develop in the students a life of faith which will lead them into becoming true and faithful Christians.

Communication Arts
The Communication Arts Program for English and Filipino is designed to develop and enhance in the students the four basic language skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. It intends to make them capable of using both languages in different situations with accuracy, fluency and confidence.

IThe Mathematics Program is designed to provide a clear understanding of numbers and their usefulness in everyday life. It aims to make students skillful in the four fundamental operations and the ability to apply their competence in Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry and Calculus..

This program is aimed to enhance the students’ knowledge of themselves and of the different phenomena that surround the world around them through the use of their 5 senses and different scientific skills and processes. The students are provided with learning activities and opportunities to explore, experiment and discover things for themselves.
Values Education/ Character Building
Values Education aims to develop the students’ character and promote their moral and spiritual growth for them to be able to live a truly righteous life. It aims to provide opportunities for the development of upright, patriotic, useful and enlightened citizens of the country

Cultural Development (MSEP/MAPEH)
Arts, Music, work and Physical Education make up the Cultural Development subjects. This Program focuses on learning experiences which provide opportunities for self-expression of the students via different media such as arts, song and dances. It also develops their creativity and their interest for aesthetic appreciation.

Social Studies
The Social Studies Program aims to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding, character and values, habits and work skills that would make them aware of their roles and duties as responsible members of the family and the community. It gives them the opportunity to analyze economic, political, cultural and other significant issues that affect out country and the world.

Technology and Home Economics
The Technology and Home Economics Program is designed to develop the students’ knowledge, skills and values and attitude towards work and industry. It is centered on the four components namely Agricultural Technology, Industrial Technology, Home Economics and Entrepreneurship. IT provides learning experiences for the students to develop their talents and potentials, creativity and craftsmanship through various projects and hand-on activities.